What BLP Provides to the customer:
BLP Studios provides action photos as well as candid shots with coaches and athletes when possible for gymnasts that signup to be photographed at our event booth prior to the competition. Athletes that signup for photos are photographed on all four events as they compete. Please note! We only photograph athletes that signup. The signup fee is $40.00 per athlete. This includes all four events. Customers can order photos and products on line after they are made available on the BLP Studios website or purchase our "Meet Special" that includes all the images of just there athlete (Approximately 75 to 125 images) in High resolution for print. Customers that place there order within 90 days of the date the photos are available can use $30.00 of there deposit toward there purchase. Purchases made after 90 days are not subject to the $30.00 discount.
All photos taken are cropped & color corrected prior to being made available to the customer. The photos the costumer gets are NOT right out of the camera like many companies provide. Out of focus or unflattering photos are removed and deleted prior to posting. A wide variety of products are also available for customers to purchase, such as photo books, iPhone & iPad cases, mouse pads, custom framing, Metal prints, apparel and a host of great products.
What BLP provides to the hosting gym:
Hosting gyms are compensated by a percentage of the proceeds generated at the event. This includes revenue generated from customer signups on Facebook as well as meet specials purchased at the event. The special is all the images of an athlete delivered as a digital download and must be purchased at the event or via Facebook to qualify for the special price. Other packages can be purchased at the event as well at a discounted rate. Attending gym's are contacted via email prior to the event and are encouraged to signup via Facebook to qualify for our special rates and for updates regarding any additional meet specials that may be available for that meet. The percentage to the gym is based on the total amount of athletes competing in the event.
Please note!
It is in the best interest of the hosting gym to promote the sale of photos through every means possible in order to increase the revenue to the hosting gym through sales at the event. This means web adds, email to gyms and parents, especially PA announcements during the event.
If you are a gym hosting a USAG competition and would like BLP Studios to photograph the event Please contact us as soon as possible after acquiring the meet. We start booking events for the upcoming season immediately after the regional and State hosting gyms are announced and our schedule fills up fast. As you know most State & Regional competitions occur on the same day regardless of the region. Our bookings are first come first serve and we only shoot one Regional Championship and State Championship per season.